


E-insights High Performance Systems Limited.

Physical Architectures


Cloud Architectures


Operations Control Panel


Continuously Stress Tested


Constantly checked from the End User view


E-insights Obsessed with Performance

To ensure computing infrastructures are highly available, effective and cost efficient; they shoudl be designed, implemented and managed properly; continuously delivering excellent end-user experience, at the lowest possible cost. In an era of rapid upgrade and near continuous enhancement achieving such a situation is no accident.

Monitor & Understand

Monitoring of service paramaters, error and warnings, traffic levels etc., ensures that normal systems operating paramaters are understood and tracked for change. Trending over time gives early warnings of trouble to come. Traffic monitoring gives insight into changing user behavior.

Stress Test Frequently

Pre-release load testing ensures the system meets or exceeds its design goals. Integrating load testing in the development-release cycle ensures the system continues to meet its operating goals as both the system and user demands evolve.

SiteCheck: Enhance End User Experience & Minimize Costs

Checking the end-user experience itself, including the impact of 3rd party elements on it, optimizes the user"s experience while simultaneously keeping operating costs down; ensuring object sizes are appropriate and advantage is taken of compression, caching etc.

SATe - An experimental Java SAT Solver

With very good performance - prticularly on unsatisfiable problems. Source code under MIT/X11 open license at bitbucket.

© 2017, E-insights Ltd.
